
Kotor 2 best lightsaber build
Kotor 2 best lightsaber build

kotor 2 best lightsaber build

For example, the Ataru form, employed by Qui-Gon in Episode 1, is a highly focused form that is excellent against a single opponent, but less effective against blaster fire. Learning the characteristics of the Lightsaber Forms, and switching between them as the combat situation changes, can allow a Jedi to prevail in what would otherwise be a fatal encounter. Each form shines in certain conditions, but also has weaknesses. These are fighting techniques whose effectiveness depends upon the tactical situation. Are there any new Force powers that affect your lightsaber in KOTOR II? Kevin Saunders: In KOTOR II, you can learn up to six of the seven Jedi Lightsaber Forms. IGN: The first KOTOR had the very useful Force power that allowed you to throw your lightsaber. That being said, you will have your lightsaber throughout much of the game, but acquiring it is certainly a goal to aspire towards. Creating your own lightsaber is a major quest in the game and a huge accomplishment. We have increased their effectiveness and upgradeability and have also made them rarer.

kotor 2 best lightsaber build

Kevin Saunders: We treat the lightsaber with great respect. That is intentionally vague, because not everyone will acquire their lightsaber at the same time. To answer the question of "when," the answer is late enough to not break the balance of the game and early enough so that people can have a good time running around as a Jedi Knight for a large portion of the game. Getting your lightsaber is not a small task, and we don't want to reveal too much about how you get it. When can gamers expect to wield the ol' laser blade in KOTOR II? Mike Gallo: Well, since it's an RPG, and the lightsaber is one of the most powerful weapons in the game (and Galaxy), we have to treat it as a very special item. IGN: It took a while to get your first lightsaber in KOTOR. You will run into other characters with lightsabers of course, but the colors aren't really tied to anything specific. IGN: What can the color of an enemy NPC's lightsaber tell you about him/her? Mike Gallo: Obviously the color red is a traditional color of Dark Jedi or Sith Lords, but those guys aren't really subtle anyway. On the flip side, we've also enhanced the effectiveness of fighting with a single lightsaber - That combat style is also a very viable option in KOTOR II. Therefore, the double-bladed lightsaber is most effective if you have few, but very powerful lightsaber upgrades because it makes the most of them. IGN: Are double-edged lightsabers treated any differently this time out? Kevin Saunders: As with the original KOTOR, double-bladed lightsabers work as double weapons and are similar to fighting with a weapon in each hand.

Kotor 2 best lightsaber build